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Thursday 6 May 2010

Effects of smoking on body systems

Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco smoke that causes smokers to continue smoking. Along with nicotine there are over 4000 other chemicals that activate and trigger profound and damaging effects on the human body.

Tar – this is the collective term for all the various particles suspended in tobacco smoke. The particles contain chemicals including several cancer-causing substances. Tar is sticky and brown and stains teeth, fingernails and lung tissue. Tar contains the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene that is known to trigger tumour development (cancer).

Carbon monoxide – this odourless gas is fatal in large doses because it takes the place of oxygen in the blood. Each red blood cell contains a protein called haemoglobin – oxygen molecules are transported around the body by binding to, or hanging onto, this protein. However, carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin better than oxygen. This means that less oxygen reaches the brain, heart, muscles and other organs.

Hydrogen cyanide – the lungs contain tiny hairs (cilia) that help to clean the lungs by moving foreign substances out. Hydrogen cyanide stops this lung clearance system from working properly, which means the poisonous chemicals in tobacco smoke can build up inside the lungs. Other chemicals in smoke that damage the lungs include hydrocarbons, nitrous oxides, organic acids, phenols and oxidising agents.

Free radicals – these highly reactive chemicals can damage the heart muscles and blood vessels. They react with cholesterol, leading to the build-up of fatty material on artery walls. Their actions lead to heart disease, stroke and blood vessel disease.

Metals – tobacco smoke contains dangerous metals including arsenic, cadmium and lead. Several of these metals are carcinogenic.

Radioactive compounds – tobacco smoke contains radioactive compounds, which are known to be carcinogenic. - http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov/

The chemicals in nicotine cause many effects on the bodies systems, these can include:

Respiratory system                Irritation to trachea and larynx
                                                 Reduced lung function
                                                 Increased risk of lung infection
                                                 Permenant damage to lungs (air sacs)

Circulatory system                  Raised blood pressure and heart rate
                                                 Tightening of blood vessels
                                                  Less oxygen carried by blood
                                                 'Stickier' blood more prone to clotting
                                                  Damage to lining of arteries
                                                  Reduced blood flow to fingers and toes
                                                  Increased risk of stroke and heart attack due to blockages in blood flow

Immune system                       More prone to infections as system does not function as well
                                                 More prone to pneumonia and influenza
                                                 Body takes longer to recover from illness
                                                 Lower levels of antioxidants

Musculoskeletal system         Tightening of certain muscles
                                                  Reduced bone density

Other effects                            Irritation and inflamtion of stomach and intestines
                                                  Increased risk of ulcers in digestive tract
                                                  Reduced ability to smell and taste
                                                  Premature wrinkling of skin
                                                  Higher risk of blindness
                                                  Gum disease (periodontis)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Smoking causes an enormous burden on public health. It harms the immune system and can make the body less successful at fighting disease. It can also cause many other cancers and health problems.

    To quit smoking, you must be ready emotionally and mentally. The earlier you quit, the greater the benefit.

    For any type of query, speak to an healthcare expert Dr. Won Sam Yi
